Parish of Manuka, South Canberra
Services at St Paul’s, Manuka
During January we only have one service at each of our churches. 9.30am Eucharist at St Paul’s and 9am at St David’s. There are no midweek services.
Sunday Services

7.30 am
Eucharist / Low Mass

9.30 am
Eucharist /
High Mass

5 pm
alternating between Choral Evensong and Contemplative Evening Prayer (with choir)

9 am St David’s Red Hill
Holy Eucharist
Morning Prayer is said in the choir stalls at St Paul’s Monday-Friday at 9.30am February – December
(except public holidays and during school term breaks)
Thursdays at 10am (Feb-Dec) there is a Eucharist followed by Bible Study at St David’s Red Hill.
Our 9.30am services are regularly uploaded to our YouTube channel which can be accessed by clicking here.
Eucharists will be advertised for certain feast days during the week from time to time.
About our Services
7.30am Said Eucharist at St Paul’s: This is a quiet, contemplative spoken service of Holy Communion. There is no singing of hymns or liturgical chant.
9am Sung Eucharist at St David’s Red Hill: This is a service of Holy Communion with hymns and sung liturgical responses.
9.30am Choral Eucharist: This service of Holy Communion features a choral mass setting which is either sung or led by one of our choirs, with hymns and liturgical chant. This service also features processions and full ceremonial on festival days. The service is preceded by half an hour of bell ringing.
5pm Choral Evensong: Evensong is considered to be one of the glories of Anglican liturgical spirituality. The service, from the 1662 edition of the Book of Common Prayer is sung by the officiating priest and choir. Celebrating the creative and expressive gifts with which humanity is endowed, particularly in musical and poetic expression, Evensong’s timeless beauty invites us to set our own prayerful thoughts and feelings under the larger canopy of the unceasing prayer of the Church throughout the centuries.
We alternate between Choral Evensong and Contemplative Evening Prayer. Both services feature one of our choirs, Contemplative Evening Prayer uses silences, guided meditations and other contemplative elements to provide a gentle and spacious atmosphere in our worship.
When you attend one of our services you will receive a printed order of service to follow. This contains the readings and prayers that we use during the service as well as instructions for when to stand, sit or kneel. You may be intrigued by the ways in which some worshippers cross themselves or bow their heads at certain points in the liturgy. These and other aspects of ceremonial and devotional practice are a matter of personal choice and meaningfulness. On Sunday mornings we celebrate the Holy Eucharist, also known as the Mass or Holy Communion. We keep the command of Jesus to break bread and drink wine to remember him and to experience his living presence among and within us. If you have not been baptised or have not become a communicant member of a Christian church you are welcome to come forward at the time of Holy Communion to receive a blessing from the priest instead of the bread and wine. (You may also wish to discuss with the clergy your own circumstances so that you may be admitted to receive Holy Communion either by Baptism, Confirmation or Reception into the Anglican Church.)