Liturgical Assistants and Servers

The conduct of the liturgy involves the leadership of clergy and the support and active contributions of lay people.
Lay servers and liturgical assistants play a key role in supporting the clergy and congregation in the smooth and reverent operation of services. In purely practical terms, they assist with the liturgy, but they also represent the diversity of the people of God at the altar of God.
The Servers’ Guild at St Paul’s Manuka is inclusive and comprises both adults, and junior servers. Adult members of the Servers Guild fill various liturgical roles in services. They serve as acolytes (bearing lights in procession), crucifers (carrying the processional crosses), thurifers (responsible for incense), Masters of the Ceremony (assisting the sacred ministers in the sanctuary with the conduct of the ritual), and sub-deacons (one of the sacred ministers who stands, with the deacon and the priest, at the altar, representing the laity; they also lead the prayers of the people at Mass). They also serve at evensong, baptisms, weddings, and funerals.
Depending on their level of experience, junior servers can perform all roles except that of subdeacon. Safe Ministry protocols are in place for the welfare of all junior servers, including robing under parental supervision.
Lay servers are expected to attend services regularly, whether or not they are rostered to serve.
Members of the Servers Guild are appointed by the rector, in consultation with the Head Server. New members of the team are always welcome. If you are interested in this form of service, please contact